I often blindfold my students and get them to feel, smell, mould an object and then talk about it. It is amazing how much fun they have. These, I think is texture.
Blindfolding a child and getting him to feel and visualize is one of the best ways to get him understand his environment...I once had to get a class of adults to be blindfolded to understand the message in a poem. It did work in the end but one was adamantly skeptical...some people cannot be changed..of course some will never reveal their learning or "non-learning" experience.
Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪
I am the writer of:
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2: Diary of a Bereaved Mother, Goodbye my baby 丧儿记:
Published 2011
Genre: Non fiction, self help, bereavement, infancy death
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Very nice textures. :)
Thanks for your comments about Harley. Sometimes I wish I could send him to you! LOL
Well done..:-)
I like the bird on the footprint, a nice variety of textures.
Nice collection of textures! My favorite is the foot stone with the blue jay on it!
Well done, lots of different textures there.
Blindfolding a child and getting him to feel and visualize is one of the best ways to get him understand his environment...I once had to get a class of adults to be blindfolded to understand the message in a poem. It did work in the end but one was adamantly skeptical...some people cannot be changed..of course some will never reveal their learning or "non-learning" experience.
It does sound like fun. Love the top picture!
Great textures. I love the gorgeous clothes and the foot with the bird on it
nice pictures, u got that lovely blue bird on foot print, quite different :)
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