Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sunday Stills: texture

I often blindfold my students and get them to feel, smell, mould an object and then talk about it. It is amazing how much fun they have. These, I think is texture.

Sunday Stills-Textures, February 19th by Shirley


Anonymous said...

Very nice textures. :)

Thanks for your comments about Harley. Sometimes I wish I could send him to you! LOL

Ed said...

Well done..:-)

Shirley said...

I like the bird on the footprint, a nice variety of textures.

Ebie said...

Nice collection of textures! My favorite is the foot stone with the blue jay on it!

Janice said...

Well done, lots of different textures there.

Ensurai said...

Blindfolding a child and getting him to feel and visualize is one of the best ways to get him understand his environment...I once had to get a class of adults to be blindfolded to understand the message in a poem. It did work in the end but one was adamantly skeptical...some people cannot be changed..of course some will never reveal their learning or "non-learning" experience.

nannykim said...

It does sound like fun. Love the top picture!

Marja said...

Great textures. I love the gorgeous clothes and the foot with the bird on it

Anonymous said...

nice pictures, u got that lovely blue bird on foot print, quite different :)