Thursday, April 10, 2014

YMCA garden

A year ago, we went to replant the garden at Mt Albert YMCA. A year later, only the ferns and one bromeliard survive.

The water engineer. (Below) loves his water.
 This was Before, barely surviving Hen and Chicks fern. I gave them a bad hair cut.
 Beautiful bromeliards, makes me think of Grand Pa's pineapple garden when I was young in Borneo.
 Posing with the YMCA manager Jill.
 Robyn working very hard.
 Finished garden.  Come back in two weeks.
Today and tomorrow is our Love where you Live Community Service weekend. Together with The YMCA manager Jill Gibson and our church member Robyn (who also works at YMCA) the water engineer spent this morning transforming a drought stricken garden into a beautiful instant garden at YMCA.

It was good to have a man to do the digging. And I brought my camera to capture some of the hard working people.

Love Where You Live, a Community Service Weekend, is on this Saturday and Sunday - 13-14th April. We're inviting everyone in the area to love where they live by making this an even better place to live. As such, a number of community agencies are coming together this weekend around some key projects. Can you join us and get the word out to all your friends and networks too?

Official projects will include: Gardening, litter collection, painting, building, random acts of kindness, Salvation Army & food bank drop offs and much

All the details of the projects and how to get involved can be found at


Ingrid said...

I love nice gardens, but I hate to do any garden work, lol !

EG CameraGirl said...

Sorry drought has hurt so many plants. The survivors are lovely though.

Splendid Little Stars said...

Love Where You Live! What a great concept!
about my blog post: Those big rocks are real, put there by nature, not hollow. People have built the small cairn sculptures. I added a note on my blog and I'll post some other photos of that beach in the near future.

Unknown said...

What a great program! Just imagine if we all participated and planted beautiful gardens in our communities. Thanks for sharing ... and for planting such a lovely garden!