Valentine's Day
Spent the morning teaching that St Valentine is not just about love love love.
Saint Valentine was a Roman Catholic priest who was martyred for his belief. St. Valentine was imprisoned beheaded & buried on 14 Feb 269 AD for helping persecuted Christians & marrying Christian couples! While in prison he prayed for his jailer’s daughter & her blindness was healed. On the day of his execution he left her a note signed, ‘Your Valentine.’
Saint Valentine was a Roman Catholic priest who was martyred for his belief. St. Valentine was imprisoned beheaded & buried on 14 Feb 269 AD for helping persecuted Christians & marrying Christian couples! While in prison he prayed for his jailer’s daughter & her blindness was healed. On the day of his execution he left her a note signed, ‘Your Valentine.’
We are not a huggy kissy family. It would be fantastic to receive flowers once in a while.

Flowers to a girl's heart

Food to a man's heart via his stomach.
Tomatoes. Fruit of love.
The French call it 'pomme d'amour' (love apple), Italian 'pomodoro' (golden apple), the Aztecs 'tomatl', but in English, it is simply tomato.
The French call it 'pomme d'amour' (love apple), Italian 'pomodoro' (golden apple), the Aztecs 'tomatl', but in English, it is simply tomato.

Love is all around and can be found anywhere, if only we dared to look for it
Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)
I wrote about St Valentine a few years ago. Lots of different types of love there are
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