This is a bridge for the train. I drive on this bridge to and from work. When I come home, the train always comes to this station.
This is a Huntly, we stopped there to have our picnic dinner, and it was freezing cold.
I think it was an Auckland suburb, and the overhead brdige is very long.
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The next four photos are the many bridges of Hamilton as they span across the Waikato river in Hamilton city. The waikato is the biggest river in New Zealand. I did a post saying there are 6 bridges. Fellow bloggers Pete and Dave have posted photos of this river.
This Mangere bridge links Auckland to the International airport.
Here is a walkway which lets people walk over a swamp. This is next to the Mangere Bridge.
I used my computer to change my colored photos to sepia. If there was any function to change it to B & W. I couldn't find any. It was only about 30 years or so when all the photos I had taken were B & W. Today, it has become fashionable again.
Thanks Elaine.
“When I suggested ‘bridge’ as a theme for one our shoot outs I was originally thinking of the type that spans water. However, the more I thought about it, the more I contemplated the varied meanings of the word. So I hope we’ll have a broad range of photos and that we might see ones that portray most of these definitions:
1 a : a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a IMG_3124edepression
2 : something resembling a bridge in form or function: as a : the upper bony part of the nose; also : the part of a pair of glasses that rests upon it b : a piece raising the strings of a musical instrument c : the forward part of a ship's superstructure from which the ship is navigated d : the hand as a rest for a billiards or pool cue; also : a device used as a cue rest
It has also been decided that this will be our first assignment to be shot in black and white so have fun and to borrow a phrase from the Irish, fill yer boots!”
Elaine Dale, A Scattering
This is a great selection of bridges. You have access to so many! I love the one with the person walking on it, the bridge looks like it is in the air without supports!
Different designs of bridges makes me awe. Because they are just beautifully constructed and it should be perfect or else accident will happen. Happy weekend!
Excellent Ann. The last bridge, or walkway, really captured me. The use of perspective and the sensual curve of lines and shadows was amazing.
You did a great job Ann! My favorites were the first (who could resist Mr. Butler?!) and the last. Glad you had fun with the theme.
Love that last shot the best!
Very nice sepia shots Ann, here's wishing you a fab weekend.
Great selection of bridges! what software are you using for photo editing? you can download Picasa for free and it does have black and white feature plus many more. I used it occasionally. I prefer photos 'as is' compared to editing, too lazy lah!
Hey that walkway is super-cool, very surreal. I love it. Great shots, Ann!
Love those Hamilton bridges, Ann. And the last shot, too. I'm wondering how come I've never seen it!
Ann, I really, really liked that you were trying to think outside the square. I loved your photo of the poster. How very brilliant of you. You have a wonderful selection of bridges and all of your photos are terrific. I really like the bridge that Rebecca liked. It's very cool.
Great selection of bridges. Very nice.
That Henderson Wave bridge is new, it's linked to Alexandra Arch outside HortPark in Alexandra Road, and Mount Faber. But it's a long walk, a few miles long from Mt Faber to Alexandra Arch, passing the Henderson Wave in the middle, I think around 5 miles? I took the shortcut, just climb the Henderson Wave from Henderson Road!
Agree, we deserved that pat in the back, a lot of people my age don't even know how to on the pc, let alone digital photography.:)
Picasa is easier, Photoshop lagi kepala pening! lol
Great selection. This was a good topic and you have executed it wonderfully.
These are wonderful shots. The art and technology of bridges sure is beautiful and magical.
This was a great subject. Everyone did a great job. I love the first, reminds me of Mr. Butler in Phantom of the Opera. He has a beautiful face. I was just to lazy to go back and make my shots black and white as I over looked the direction. Fun piece though.
Oh wow what wonderful shots and soooo many bridges. I will have to say a good look at Gerard Butler first thing in the morning made my coffee so much better LOL! Thank you!
I loved your shots..I think my very favorite was the last one over the swamp..just beautiful hon!! Hugs, Sarah
really like that last shot - the pathway to forever - good job once again Ann
One of these seems so very "out there" over the water...the walking bridge. I don't know how I'd feel walking on that one, I tend to get weak knees.
Great assortment of photos :)
So many bridges! I loved the snaking coiling one! Great pictures!
you have many fantastic bridges in your area. the overhead bridge is awesome and looks like a fun place to walk up so high. like the last shot best.
Bridges are such lovely topics. I first noticed its importance we started reciting the little poem...Yau Yau Yau Yau dau Wai Poh Chiau...rhyme about rowinng boat to Grandma's bridge...
Bridges are important metaphors in Chinese writing.
Nice them.
Hi Ann. Yes, you have a good selection of bridges. Thanks for showing Hamilton bridges. - Dave
Wonderful bridges, Ann. My favorite is the man walking the long pedestrian bridge.
I saw that movie when I was in Va last summer, interesting, but does have that cute Gerard Butler in it!
I was busy and did not get my bridge photos done, but I have something- you know me my own artistic look at the world, lol!
I love yours...
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