I was helping my ESOL student write a recount on his trip to LA. Having been there myself, helped him write a good piece of work. He was very happy with himself.
I have my own recount. Fifteen years ago, I took D and G to LA and we went to all the tourist theme parks. We had more fun in Knotts berry Farm than in Disney land. We met Alice in Wonderland and the whole Peanuts characters including snoopy. G had a print photo of Alice and she queued up a long time for Alice to sign the piece of paper. It was precious to her so we kept it.
With Johnny Depp's movie, I am excited again.
i remembered my experiences at Genting - giddy2 after the spinning ride,...hahaha
I have never been there. It looks like a great place to spend a day. I miss visiting places like that now that the children are grown up...
Dear Mama,
Thanks for the memories.
p/s Your writing has improved so much! I am so proud of you.
pp/s I have a request for an entry about eyelash mites. Please google them, I'd love to hear your opinion.
This is in my neck of the woods, about 30 miles away. It is a good place for fun and rides and it has been a long time since I have visited.
such sweet memories!
Knotts Berry - famous food brand?
i WILL definitely see JD's AIWL.
It is good to know where all the theme parks are. Thanks.
I have yet to see johnny depp's movie but will soon when the crowd has dispersed :)
I want to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D but Jill won't go with me, and I don't have a small kiddy to go with. Looks like I'll have to miss out.... :-( - Dave :-)
That looks like the perfect outing for parents and children!!
We have already snowdrops in the garden and three brave purple crocuses! The rest will come in a week or so! The sun is shining and the temperature is great!
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