Friday, March 26, 2010

Sunday Stills: A Day in the Life

This is my life on Saturday, March 27th, 2010.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, Sam goes to karate. We work out a system, I drop him at the Wesley Club, and the water engineer picks him back. Sam at 13 grew taller than me.

Handy man Ann? Hardly. This is once in a blue year or decade. I had to make a cross for our visual table for my Mt Albert Baptist Church Adult ESOL class at Easter. I made a cross, but it was too long and had a stake. Here I am sawing it off with a hand held saw. It was hard work.

Most Saturday is a washing day. Today is a fine and breezy day. My bedding will be dry and crisp and smell heavenly.

I am great in recycling. The city council supplies a big recycle wheelie bin with a blue lid. Everything that can be recycled is picked up every fortnight. I am not a big fan of this system, as they still required people at the plant to sort the different items. I believe we can sort the items ourselves.

Here is a game by the British Council which I encourage my kids play. They have fun playing and learning. If you have young children or grand children, you will enjoy playing the game with them.
Sunday Stills, the next challenge: A Day in the Life
Posted in Sunday Stills Challenge of the Week, the next challenge with tags Sunday Stills, Sunday Stills Challenge on March 21, 2010 by Ed

This could be the biggest challenge yet so here are the rules. Pick a day in the upcoming week and take your camera with you, no archives. Take and post no more than 4 pics during the day that show how you spend the day. For some this will be a breeze and for others you may have to go out and do something. Just remember no more than 4 pics and no archives..:-))

Saturday is a day of rest from work, but it is not a day of rest from household chores and motherhood responsibilities. Thank you Ed, the rest of the day, I am at the computer. LOL


Serline said...

The clothes-hanging photo brought back memories of my hubby's family's stay in Armidale, NSW, many years ago. Not a luxury many can afford in Singapore ;-P

Ingrid said...

Fortunately all these chores I have behind me, lol ! With only the two of us there is not much to do !

VioletSky said...

A shot of you sitting at the computer - wonder how many of us had to find something different for our day to record?

Ensurai said...

With the haze and smog we often dry our clothes in a spare room in the last few months! This is a change from the past when we could enjoy the great sunshine!
Drying clothes is now a luxury! What a paradox in our country!

My neighbours dry their clothes in the car porch.

I think Dhoby (Dobi) will now start making more money.....

I am glad I had a chance to enjoy Australian sunshine and a few laundry days there.

Sandy Trefger said...

I have these chores too well not the taking a kid to karate. LOL but I run errands and my laundry goes in the dryer instead of on a line but I fondly recall the days I had to help my mom hang the laundry. Great photos for this Sunday Still...your photographers did good. :)

Anonymous said...

you were a busy bee!

Ed said...

Well done...:-)

Holly said...

we are still too cold here to hang clothes out but I do love the smell of line dried sheets!

Beth said...

I love the photo of your laundry. Reminds me of my childhood.

Cheryl said...

A busy day...I miss taking my three children here, there and everywhere, now that they are all grown! Most days it just me and the dog. Ah...hanging the laundry out to dry...I used to do that too. Nothing smells better than laundry dried in the sun as well as saving on energy. Have a nice week!

allhorsestuff said...

Ann, really loved seeing your world! Ed chose a great one...but 4 frames really was tough!
I can almost FEEL the heaven in those breezy, blown dry sheets!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice series of photos that shared your day Ann. I wish I had a cloths line:)

Bengbeng said...

this type of post is a good idea. i live not far from where u used to stay. near the river. i dont put this answer on my blog for obvious reasons :)

gtyyup said...

A lady of many talents! Nice of you to share your day~

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hi Sandy,

Thanks for visiting, I went to your site, but I can open the site to read your posts.



Jama said...

It's great to sun dry our laundry,isn't it? it's free! I did mine daily, and hang them on the pole outside. I don't have to worry about clothes dripping from inconsiderate neighbours as I'm staying on the top floor.

Reader Wil said...

Sunday Stills is a new thing to me. I don't think I have ever heard of it, but it's interesting Ann. You spent your day well.
When I am in Australia I do the laundry for my daughter and consequently the clothes hanging. When the last piece hangs, the first one is already dry.

Jama said...

When we apply for a flat, we requested for a top floor, since hubby works shifts and need quiet place to sleep in the daytime. You know lah, hdb flat can be very noisy during school holidays. Good thing we got it, there's a playground just next to my block! I love the height as it's very windy.

Tammie Lee said...

fun to have a peak into your life. Thanks for the link to the game, I will pass it on.