Photo: courtesy Auckland University Newsletter.

I received from my alumni, Auckland university this email. Our brain is such a complex and fascinating computer. I have some students whose brains have been affected due to accidents at birth, after birth or just been wired differently. Sometimes, I don't even understand myself why I reacted in a way I didn't intend to.
As I journey along life's by way, I reached my half a century, I find that my eyes don't function as well as before. I need reading glasses. I hope my brain will remain as sharp. Perhaps I should do some brain gym exercise or memory techniques.
I better make a point to attend some of the talks. May be I should take more gingko tea.
Dear Ann,
Brain Day 2010, 20 March
15 to 21 March is International Brain Awareness Week - a celebration of that vital organ you made great use of during your time at university.
The Centre for Brain Research and the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand are hosting Brain Day 2010 on 20 March. It's a free public open day featuring lectures and seminars from New Zealand's leading brain experts.
Read on for further information about Brain Day 2010, and other news and events from around the University.
What a nice day to have : Brain Day...
lovely thoughts. lovely post.
The Neurological Society do a lot of good research which can help to overcome brain disorders Ann. - Dave
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