This is Auckland city, population 1 million, summed up in one day on the opening of Mangere Bridge. The people were big hearted. It was a cold winter day. There were many groups of fund raisers.

These two boys were selling raffle tickets. The taller boy joked," Now you took my photo, you must buy a ticket." I didn't dare reply, "I will make you the world's most famous scouts."
This elderly gentleman in his mobility scooter couldn't have walked the bridge because there were many steps and the road leading to the bridge was muddy. He was a fund raiser.
All the workers volunteered their Sunday off and became PR persons to the visitors. This guy was on clutches. Kuddos to him.

I was attracted to his facial hair.

Aucklanders love their dogs. Every where you go, you are bound to see them with their dogs.

The Maoris were the first people to arrive in New Zealand. This is their craft. It is the head of a statue in the Mangere bridge township.

On the beaches, we have a lot of mangrove which is very important to our ecology. Some parts are protected beaches.

Parks, parks, lots of parks.

Beaches. beaches and more beaches. We are an isthmus and are almost surrounded by sea.
Theme for August 27th - "Shooters Choice" and chit chat
The theme for August 27th is ....... your choice!!
What would you like us to see or know about your town. What is special, unusual, unique, stunning, vibrant, black and white, sepia tones, macro, bokeh. Use it all!! Show your creative side. Tell us a story of your town.