"I can't wait! I can't wait!" Exclaims Sam.
Sometimes he eats the nori seaweed before I make them into sushi. I don't mind, because with my "quick hand and quick legs", I have yet to master making sushi.
My Dad used to say, in Japan, the sushi maker serves years as an apprentice. But in Down Under, anyone can be a sushi maker. Well, anyone but me. My Japanese friend laughed, when I tried and tried, and still couldn't succeed. My sushi breaks apart.
These are big sheets of dried sea weeds. In Singapore, the kids buy MSG ladened small rectangles of Nori which I disapprove. The Koreans use a smaller sheet and eat it with rice called kimba.
Seaweeds (kaiso) have been an important part of the Japanese diet for many centuries. Today, various types of seaweed are used extensively as soup stock, seasonings and other forms in daily Japanese cooking. The following are the three most commonly used types of seaweed:
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