Xanthorrhoea is a genus of flowering plants native to Australia and a member of familyXanthorrhoeaceae, Xanthorrhoea is commonly known as yakka, also spelled yacca and yacka, a name probably from a South Australian Aboriginal language. It is another word for grass tree.
I am pretty sure this is a Xanthorrhoea plant. Correct me if this is not. New Zealand is very near to Australia and we have a lot of common plant.

an interesting plant. It looks rather like a spider plant.
I like the name yakka best. A tough name for a tough-looking plant.
I went close-up, this is not a spider plant, it has a stem.
That is so cool looking!
What a cool plant!
I think you should figure out a way to put two eyes on it! It would be like a plant version of Cousin It!
Okay, that reference is probably wayyyy before your time!
Thanks for an xcellent link to the letter "X".
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