
One day, I had a long walk, and came across this letter box. I did a double take before I took the photo. Then I was intriqued by the entrance or rather the lack of it. It was an unruly bush. I couldn't see anything beyond the bush and the trees. It looked like an overgrown deserted bush and abandoned house.
I suppose you don't have to be a rocket scientist to guess why the neighbours don't venture into the compound to tell the owner to keep his garden neat and tidy like the rest of them.
Sorry, I am not into spooky things. I grew up in Borneo, where voodoo things are real, and people cast hex. I do not like looking at spooky things or watching spooky movies.
Here is what I grew up with, the road to our airport cut through two cemeteries. We were not to call our siblings their names when we drove through the cemeteries. Otherwise the ghosts would hear the names. That night, the ghosts would come and call for the person, aka call them to go with them aka they will die. You bet we took this very very seriously and kept very very quiet until we have driven past the cemeteries. That was really spooky.
A thoughtful post. I have enjoyed reading how different people feel about Halloween.
Thanks for sharing a different perspective. It is interesting to learn about differences in cultures. In our family, spooky has been more fun than serious. But I do not like horror at all.
Just walking by A house where they may shot you for for going on thier property is pretty scary. I don't like too scary of things either I try to keep things on the lighter side of life, I'm a pretty happy person that way.
Wow, if I had been told that as a kid it would have scared the daylight right out of me. Very interesting learning about the different cultures.
Gosh, what an unfriendly mailbox!! I'm with you!! I used to watch spooky movies and read spooky books when I was younger, but not for a long time now. I don't like them anymore, I think they are for the young. My life is scary enough without adding to it, I want to avoid horror and look to the light.
That mailbox is very threatening, a real scare.
I'm easily frightened by scary movies and books, so I concentrate on the silly part of Halloween: dressing up in a funny costume and eating candy.
Voodoo is terrifying and it is very interesting to read your remarks about it.
I think if I saw that letter box I wouldn't even stop to take a photo. But then when it comes to scariness I'm all about avoidance. Thanks for telling us your childhood story, that would be enough to implant real fear into any child.
when i was younger i like to watch scary movies but i would hide under my blanket haha i just like the thought of being scared but i didn't want to see any.
voodoo things are spooky enough!
nice post Ann, I liked your childhood scare, bet you still use caution when in or around cemetaries.
Hi Ann
You have rejuvenated my childhood fear of driving past the cemeteries. We kids would always dive under and away from the car windows...and ask..."have we past the cemeteries yet"? And my dad would laugh gently...not yet...and that kept us quiet for a long long while....We would stay "under" until we arrived at Ah Bee's shop at the airport where my dad would have his kopi and we would have our "ice cream soda" made by Ta Fong....cheers.
The housing estate near mine was built on former graveyard. I remembered coming back home from work at night, passing through the cemetery before the land were re-developed.That's the Bishan Estate.
I love watching horror movies as long as there's still daylight, comes night time, it's like calling all the ghosts to accompany you.
Willy does not like Halloween.
10-4 Willy
the memories of our childhood are always with us. thanks for sharing with us Ann. I don't like the horror movies and Halloween Haunts that are very popular in today's world. I am what is known as a CHICKEN!
I would hate to have to be like that. Much more fun to giggle, and not believe, but still wonder if it might actually be possible.
The story about ghosts getting you is pretty spooky!!
I already can imagne the the spooky house in the bushes and the gohsts on the cemetry. very Halloween
This is very interesting. It makes me realize how we all come at each post from different places.
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