I love these tiny flowers. I loved them more when I was told they are called forget me nots. I send it to all my friends. I found patches of these at Mt Albert Volcano.

To most people, the dandelion is a weed, but you can eat the leaves and drink tea from the roots. So Now, my garden is full of them.

Little girls like to make flower chains from these little daisy flowers. They are very small like a ten cts piece. I used to spend hours digging them out. But not anymore. Many New Zealand children earned their first pocket money doing this.

These tiny flowers oxalis have leaves like clover. They grow at the edges of my house and garage. A meticulous gardener would have thrown then out. Now you know I am a lazy gardener. I am so lazy that I even wrote an article of "How to be a lazy gardener."

These grow wild as tall as a person. I have yet found any one who knows it's name.

We went on a long track at the Waitakeres, and that day the track was delayed because I stopped all the time to take photos. Luckily the big man and the little man didn't complain.

I had to stop the driver so I could take this photo.

To the West of Auckland, there were big patches of these beautiful flowers. I told the water engineer, when I die, I like to lie among God's creation. None of those man grown flowers. I doubt he would send Sam out west to pick the flowers to put on top of my coffin.
This reminds me of when my Dad died at a ripe old age of eighty four, We remembered that Dad used to grow his favourite North Borneo Orchid. They were pure white and it took a long time to bloom. My younger sister Margaret requested the florist specially for these North Borneo Orchid. The poor florist, he scoured the whole city of Kuching and there was none.

Flax is an important plant to the Maoris. Before they harvest them to make baskets, they ask for blessing. After all the weaving, they put "waste" back to the plants. It is intereting, I recently took a Royal Brunei flight. Before taking off, they also also had prayers to ask for blessing.