These fruits and the tree with fruits on the trunk are common in South East Asia, but I think would be quite unusual to the rest of the world.My take for this week's fresh : meaning new to one's experience; not encountered before.
star fruit, usually a lime green colour when ripe.

Dragon fruit

The infamous ultra smelly durian

Stem fig tree

tiny banana, papayas and mangoesteen This Friday our theme is Fresh.
Meaning new to one's experience; not encountered before. Recently made, produced, or harvested; Free from impurity or pollution; pure. Many choices here for fresh.
Here is the definition of fresh from the online dictionary.
fresh (frsh)
adj. fresh·er, fresh·est
1. New to one's experience; not encountered before.
2. Novel; different: a fresh slant on the problem. See Synonyms at new.
3. Recently made, produced, or harvested; not stale or spoiled: fresh bread.
4. Not preserved, as by canning, smoking, or freezing: fresh vegetables.
5. Not saline or salty: fresh water.
6. Not yet used or soiled; clean: a fresh sheet of paper.
7. Free from impurity or pollution; pure: fresh air.
8. Additional; new: fresh evidence.
9. Bright and clear; not dull or faded: a fresh memory.
10. Having the glowing, unspoiled appearance of youth: a fresh complexion.
11. Untried; inexperienced: fresh recruits.
12. Having just arrived; straight: fashions fresh from Paris.
13. Revived or reinvigorated; refreshed: I was fresh as a daisy after the nap.
14. Fairly strong; brisk: a fresh wind.
15. Informal Bold and saucy; impudent.
16. Having recently calved and therefore with milk. Used of a cow.
17. Slang Excellent; first-rate.