Mint flowers can be used the same way as leaves. These are flowers from my mint plant.
When I was little in Sibu, they didn't have big vehicles like this to transport the caterpillar trucks. The conveyor belts easily ruin road surfaces. They had men on foot putting pieces of thick tree barks just before the belt. This was a slow process, after putting one bark to the front, they have to go back and retrieve the last one. I wonder if anyone remembered those days.
This must be why I have a fascination with big vehicles, and I just used Sam to watch the juggernauts and counting their wheels. Now, when ever I see a heavy truck, I try to grab my camera.
This is a true story of a distant aunt and we were told not to emulate . The village where the clan stayed was a small place where everyone knew one another. We didn't really stay there except the few years when Dad went to England and we went to live initially in an old house by ourselves and later with Grand Dad.
Grand Dad told us about this aunt. One of her kids had been caught stealing fruits from a neighbour. This neighbour came to complain. She argued that the fruits grew by the road side, hence everyone could pick it. Her logic or lack of logic became a life lesson for us. That we should never pick anything not belonging to us.
Whenever I go for walks, and see fruits dangling over the footpath, tempting me, I laugh to myself and think of this aunt.
These pix show capsicums growing over the fence of a public park. No one seems to have helped himself to any, or did he? Upon close examination, because the fence had planks on uneven joints, I could see lots of ripe capsicums on the other side of the fence. May be some one did apply my aunt's logic.
I was merrily enjoying myself at the breezy Wesley Park when I sw a hedgehog. As usual, I am excited about this find. Then on closer look, I am sorry to report that it has gone to Hedgehog Heaven.
I don't know why, it doesn't seemed to be injured. I suppose it is the inevitable circle of life. The Chinese have a phrase for it: SHENG LOU BIN SHI, translated as growing up, getting old, getting sick and dying.
Yester-year, 1980 to be precise, we went camping in the Bay of Plenty. We were in an old tent loaned by a friend who bought it at an Army Surplus store, there was no ground sheet. It was raining dogs and cats. There were holes and the tent leaked and we were miserable.
I can't remember how many nights we endured this wetness until we changed our itinary and made a detour and drove to my cousin Henry's place at Whakatane. He offered his lounge for us to crash in. We did not hesitate to say yes. At that time, My Uncle and Aunty Kok Fei and my two cousins were visiting Henry.
We went with D. who is now in Melbourne and W.H. in Kuching. This is the car that was stolen by street kids.
This was our first car, our little 1300 CC Ford Escort. We drove around a lot, and even to the mountains to ski. At the end of it's life, it was relegated when we bought a newer car. It was rejuvenated when we loaned it to our newly found friends I. and F. from Kuala Lumpur. They named it the Red Baron. The story behind I and F. is a post I have long wanted to write, recently I rehashed it a lot. I must write it before school reopens.
Bitter Guord is a kind of melon and you need an acquired taste to eat it, as the name implies, it is very bitter. It is very good for you, the Chinese believe it is cooling, and probably packed with vitamin C. Dried leaves and vines are boiled to make a therapeutic bath. I can't tell you what treatment it is for, because I forgot.
These days, with the alternative medicine gaining popularity, bitter gourd is believed to cure diabetes. I did buy satchels of bitter gourd tea in Singapore. In a hot humid weather, you don't want to drink sweet drink. A mild bitter tea is actually quite refreshing.
The Chinese cook it sliced diagonally and stir fried by itself or with eggs or pork or the Nyonga in a sambal. My Mum likes to make stuffed bitter gourd of pork mince and using the gourd as a casing. Some people make a soup.
Dad liked the stuffed ones very much. One of the last few dishes I cooked for him during my last visit to him was bitter gourd. He requested for it. I taught Yeti, Henry's Indonesian maid to cook it.
The Indians cook a curry. They usually have a small species which Rose says is better. The texture is harder and the ribs of the outer gourd much mucher.
The ones shown in the pix are medium size. The ones the Chinese like a much bigger. Mum and Dad used to grow them, They are very susceptible to insect stings and laying eggs so their caterpillars will ruin the gourd. We used to make paper bags out of newspaper and attache it with toothpicks to the vine where the little gourd grows. These bags protect the gourd from insects laying eggs in the gourd.
At this festive season, people avoid eating the bitter gourd. They don't want the rest of the year to be bitter.
In New Zealand, I have not bought any because it costs a lot of money. One of my daughters likes them, but I have forgotten which.
***The vine grows in my neighbour's garden. I have a feeling that it wasn't grown intentionally, because everything is like a bush. The leaves are very pretty and can be used as green in flower decoration.***
My mother in law learned from her friends to feed the juice of the leaves to a jaundiced baby. Jaundice to the chinese means heaty. I assumed that the bath cools the internal heat of the sick person.
A warning to others, you should never give the juice to the baby because it is too cooling and the baby will develop weak lungs. Grace
If the baby very hot (heaty) use boiled Fu kuah leaves.
My Penny Royal plants grew very well. I managed to propagate 5 little pot plants which I sit on our windsow sill. This morning, I found one of them have tiny purple flowers.
I don't know if they actually repel fleas which was why I bought them. But so far, since I last posted on fleas, we haven't been bitten.
The leaves may be dried and used in sachets designed to keep insects away.
This gentleman was going so fast that I had to walk quickly to take the pix. At last, he stopped at the traffic light for me to catch up.
This contraption is a soul saviour. It gives the user such great mobility and independence. One evening, the water engineer and I were in a park. A teenaged boy with a high degree of immobility was enjoying himself in his motorised wheel chair.
Sam and his friend M. went to a Games Workshop. He painted an Aragorn. M. painted a Space Marine. They had a good time despite the meticulous work as the figurines were about one inch tall. After painting, they sprinked the base with brown sand.
I think he did rather well. But then, every mum is a bias mum. The water engineer's favourite teasing phrase is," Everyone is out of step, only my child is in step."