How does one react when one is told an old friend much younger than you have passed on?
I had just been told by a new friend J from Sibu.
Ah Kok started as my student in 1974 as a thirteen year old. Then he became my friend.
His Mum, Dad and sisters treated me as part of the family when I went to teach in Kai Chung Secondary School in Binatang. At one stage, I was their "homestay". They are a lovely family that there are few like them.
During one of the few trips back to Sibu, His dad Mr. Chew Tien Kui had just passed away, and his Mum who I call AhYii was still grieving and hurting. I grieve for her now, to have her youngest son dying so young. I want to hug her and tell her I understand how painful it is for her as a mum to grieve her Ah Kok. I want to tell her about my Andrew.
If any of you who stumble on my blog, and know this family or me when I was Miss Chan as the teacher or the daughter of the DEO, please contact me.
If any of you know his brother Branson Chew Yaw/Ah Hui who is involved with Tae Kwon Do In Wellington, tell him he would remember the family mention me as Charles' sister who knew his family in Binatang.
If you know his sisters Ah L. Ah L. Ah P and Ah L. Tell them I like to renew our "sisters' relationship."
Tears wails up in my eyes, couldn't believe i found u, a long lost sister n friend. I can't wait to tell all my siblings n my mum about how God has lead me to u after almost 25 yrs! Thank u so much big sister! Your tributes is so well presented n on behalf of the Chews family, I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU. May God Bless U and all at home.
Friends are the most important part of our life... treasure the tears, treasure the laughter, but most importantly, treasure the memories..thank you very much Ann for your touching tribute to our beloved bro Ah kok. I am sorry to hear of your son Andrew. Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear....
I am so happy my sis Jenny found you and got us reconnected with our long lost sis and friend from the past! Pls do stay in touch always.
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