I bought this sea snail and forgot the name for it.
Went to a Mexican restaurant and saw the salsa sauce
Hiding in my laundry is this unusual shaped spider.
Finally , there is talk about a regeneration snail cream. I kept very quiet because 2 years ago, there was a documentary on it, and I started using it. Of course, it is not made from my garden snail, it is made my a special name found in the bush of New Zealand.


What are the results of the snail cream? How interesting.
You have made some great choices for S.
You have made some great choices for S.
I saw the snail, and initially thought it was STRING.
Thanks for all your S words. What is snail cream used for?
Thanks also for your comment on my blog. How terrible that somebody should steal gravestones of cemetery. Why? There are a lot of idiots in our world.
Have a nice weekend.
Wil, ABCW Team
I wondered if you put the salsa on the snail. When I young and we could harvest snails from the ocean, I ate them. I recall them as being mighty tasty. I wonder if I'd think so today. :-)
The View from the Top of the Ladder
Thanks Ann, for the explanation!
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