Yesterday, there was an action March in many parts of New Zealand. In Auckland, it was a march of 1500 Teachers, Teacher Support groups, principals, parents, Tamarikis (children),Tāne (man, husband,) and even grand parents. This March was to tell the government who had frozen the pay of the Teacher Supports in school.

Here's an announcement for the NZEI, New Zealand Education Institute before the start of the march. Tēnā tātou katoa , welcome everyone.

After the March, there was a BBQ and speeches. Trees were wrapped with pink banners.

The Minister of Education Anne Tolley were part of the Chant, Anne Tolley, the fooley.

As in any march, Traffic cops led the marchers. In the old days, marchers were considered communists, and some people used to attack the marchers.

This is a very very old Kindergarten for the Tiny Tots in the middle of the city.

This placcard asks drivers to toot their horns. Most did, and tooted they did very loudly. They received cheers and promises of looking after their children. Some didn't and got some not so nice comments.

The march was for a fair deal, some sectors of the society get more then this group.

In New Zealand, Tamariki means children. That's what schools are for.

All round the park, banners were hung.

Parents brought their Tamarikis.
Sunday Stills, the next challenge: The Letter “T”
Posted in Sunday Stills Challenge of the Week, the next challenge with tags Sunday Stills Challenge on November 22, 2009 by Ed
This should be another easy one with Thanksgiving next week, it will be interesting to see how creative ya’ll can get with this one.
I hope the teachers get some results from their marches. It is a sad thing, all over the world I guess, teachers are not paid a fair salary.
Have a great weekend.
Very cool, since my dad is a retired teacher and my sister is an active teacher I have much respect for them, I hope all works out for them..:-))
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