
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10721267eselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiKhecaRGzOwB9IMU9kFi2FDk38sPzQhzYXoZjuGbRnD6ocIYZZyq7CnDet1WEpqwWjBF-DeiSTcdccAeIp0ABFfLqeqtcQi7BHacNk9Zm8mT5pkHxMJf_F-hlEaKT6IJhqqzEEZ1mzqAYx/s1600-h/Change+The+World+Wednesday2.jpg">

When I took this photo, I wanted to do a post on how green this supermarket is when they don't give out free plastic bags. You either pay for their yellow bags or use the paper boxes.
I don't like it when they introduced the self-service checkout. I don't use it because I am always worried I might make a mistake.
One day, a middle aged woman sternly told the check out operator when the latter asked if she would use the self check," Watch out, soon, it will take over your jobs."
I didn't think of that, I better stick to the human operator and have the occasional banter, " It is nice a warm here." I don't want the machine to replace my fellow union member.
So I didn't post my photos.
The story is at the Pak'nSave store, in Hamilton. My photo is the Mt Albert Branch.
Good Friday is a day when all the shops are closed for Easter. Here is one example of when we are forced to be dependent on the computer, and when there is a glitch? Who can blame the opportunists?
Honest shoppers and opportunists took advantage of the accidental opening of Hamilton's biggest supermarket over the Easter break.
There wasn't a checkout operator in sight when Mill St Pak'nSave opened at 8am on Good Friday because of a computer setting error.
The store was supposed to be closed for the public holiday, but the doors opened and the lights came on as usual because the security system was set incorrectly.
About 50 shoppers walked through the doors and took advantage of the unexpected opening - 12 of those showed their honesty by paying for their groceries using the self-service tills, said owner Glenn Miller.
"They were just happy to be able to buy something.
"One lady was here by herself for about 20 minutes and paid. She didn't seem to notice no one was here," he said after reviewing the security footage.
A further 12 shoppers stocked up their pantries without paying and the remainder abandoned their trolleys when they realised the store was unmanned, said Miller.
A regular customer called police from the store to alert them that people were leaving with groceries.
There were several people with trolleys and cars full of groceries when officers arrived at 9.20am, said Sergeant Guy Callahan.
Another shopper called the store yesterday "to say they were innocent and didn't take anything", he said.
Callahan praised those who paid. "Good on them. It just goes to show there are some honest people out there. Those who didn't pay should do the honest thing and come forward and pay for their groceries."
Police are working with supermarket staff to review the security footage and identify offenders.
Miller suspected the fault was linked to a command cancelling the normal opening time for the day. "It wasn't set up properly and we hardly tested it because we're always open."
The issue with the computer system has since been sorted out and the store would be closed today as planned. He wanted those who hadn't paid to cough up and he would donate the money to the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal.
Interesting story, I hope the offenders pay up. It isnice that the owner will donate the money to eht earthquake victims. I hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful and you have a happy Easter.
I thought Self Checkout Stations were closed each day so wonder how customers used them when a key is required to open them.
Informative story. Well Ann, in Sri Lanka we called them Shoe flower.
Gosh, what a story!!!! Well, for one thing, I guess there would be no way to find the ones who didn't pay, I doubt they will come forward to sy they've been bad!!
That's where we shop Ann. I was disappointed at the number of dishonest people who left without paying. I hope the police catch them - Dave
luckily only a few customers were involved.
What a story! Pretty funny. I wonder if the store's security cameras were working. They can look over the footage and try to identify those who didn't pay. That bright yellow sign certainly attracts attention!
I told Hubby that I thought they should post the security video on youtube to embarrass the 'thiefs' to pay up!
it shows maturity & civility of a society when people do things without being asked or having to be watched over, but of course, there is none that is perfect.
the images from the security cameras should not only be uploaded to youtube but also broadcasted on the local news.
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