Wednesday, November 26, 2014

/Alphabe-Thursday letter B Bag

Is it a bag? Is it a basket?

 Basket or Bag, it is a fabric container with the shape of a shopping basket. LOL



Betty said...

I'd call it a bag because it's made from fabric.

Wanda Psycho said...

Looks handy. I'm forever forgetting my reusable bags when I go to the grocery store. I do reuse the plastic ones as well.

Ingrid said...

Doesn't matter, it's nice !

storybeader said...

I'd say basket! lol {:-Deb

Birgit said...

For me, it's a bag. Anyway, it's the perfect B! :)

Jenny said...

I love these!

I remember something quite similar from small retailers many years ago!

What a beautiful and clever link for the letter B.

Hope you're having less problems with your obnoxious commenter.

Thanks for linking.
