Look up, what did the ibis bring you? Not a baby!

Sam became a water baby swimming in my brothers' pools, creek, lake and the sea.

People having fun up in the air. My second daughter went on one of those in Penang, Malaysia. She said, after a while, it became quite boring just hanging up there, and the harness hurt the thighs.

At Robina shopping mall, the chandelia is made of a million crystals reminding me of the glow worms in Waitomo caves. Under, were these strange shaped stools.

There are many theme parks on the Gold Coast. Sam rated the Dream world best, unfortunately, my camera's battery went flat. This is at Wet N Wild. At these hydro slides, you have to look fast, before you finish looking up, and have to look down. Otherwise you would miss Sam emerging out of the tunnels.

There are many sail cloth shades of all shapes and sizes. This is at Chervon Renaissance at the Surfers Paradise. Down below is a lot of afresco dining.

Jan 29 - look up / look down
Everyone is so good, so creative in their interpretations of our weekly topics that I almost was lazy and didn't write anything about it. This topic was originally suggested by Sara Lulu but because she no longer participates, I couldn't ask her to write something for us and I liked the suggestion so much I just took it as ours.
So here goes my ideas on this topic for our towns ....
Look down at your feet, at the surface where they walk. Look back, back the way they came and where they go.
Look up, above your head. What can you see? How is it protected? What lights your days and your nights, on the path that you walk?
This topic brings so much to mind I will probably have trouble settling on one thing - just this week I have noticed designs in the tiles in the front of stores, floors that are wood and some that are bare concrete - designs are so distinctively Brasil - we'll see you on Friday.
My interpretation is using two photos for each set of look up and look down. Most photos do not need much commentary. Except one set.
Look up, what do you see on top of the wooden fence of my brother Charles' garden? It's an apple core. Guess who put it there?
Look down, you see an ibis, this is why an ibis is called a rubbish bird. It rummages rubbish and people are told not to feed these birds which have become a pest. It is known that they have become so aggressive to even take food out of baby's mouth.
interesting post!
Fascinating. Glad you decided to write the interesting commentary. And the splash sequence is great. And parasailing! Fun.
I've always wanted to go parasailing! Nice shots.
Oh and thanks for stopping by my blog. To answer your question, no I don't run every day but I try to do about 10-15 miles a week.
Look at all those slides! But I just love the parachute shots.
Your photos, they warm me up just looking at them :)
Interesting about the bird, a dog took a cookie from my sons hands once, made me so mad I never sat for the dog again!
I thought you theme was beautiful! No commentary needed!
Guy Clark comes from just east of where I grew up in Texas, and with our hot weather we had home grown tomato over load! My grandmother used to can them often enough, but I loved a fresh one with salt.
I am about to use your hot pot post, I had trouble finding one until now, located it up north, so I have to make a trip and go get it. cannot find an authentic coal burning, only can fuel.
I thought I left a comment but I guess not. I love the chandelier and the unusual couch. I had always wanted to go parasailing and by the time I got the chance my family begged me not to do it. So never did.
All of these photos are so refreshing. They exude so much joy and I can feel it in my bones. You have so many wonderful photos it's hard to choose which are my faves but I like the yellow parachutes, the chandelier and stools but of all of these I think my favorite on is of the cloth sail. It's so simple yet it makes an impact. Great shoot out, Ann.
Crazy waterslides; do you go down them, too? I think I would be too chicken to do that, and just stick with taking pictures. Same thing with that parachute!
Amazing what you find Ann when you just look up. I loved the happy faces.
And the swimming pool plunge!
Barry & Linda
Each photo is a treasure.
Nice bit about the ibis...
Birds and animals may have lots to fend themselves from now on....their habitat is shrinking...
The smily face parachuteade me do just that. Very interesting. Loved the water park. I need to go there. I would even settle for a warm pool right now.
Hi! Ann
thanks for visiting my blog and leaving some comments :D.
Wow...wonderful photos you have here. You are a proffessional photographer?.
The one of the happy Face Chute made me grin from ear to ear. Everyone need to see a smile in any form daily.
I don't think I dare to go down that crazy slide, looks so scary! I prefer going to Movie's world than this wet world!
The giant hydro slides did not attract me even though I paid to get in. Five years ago, after I ran the quarter marathon, I felt invincible, I went on a similar them park in Auckland with my second daughter. I conquered the hardest rides, which was controlled by traffic lights.
On my last slide which was quite tame like a bigger normal slide, which was controlled by a guard, before I could get out of the pool at the bottom, a 17/18 big teenager came down and bumped into my back. The pain was excruciating, and he was very frighten.
That sealed my goodbye to Helen Reddy's I am woman, I can do anything.
I will post more about the entry charges.
I spent the hot day reading a book aptly titled Reading in Bed, and taking a few photos.
No, I am not a professional photographer. Since I began blogging in Nov 2008, my awareness of my surrounding has increased. I take my little camera everywhere.
I really loved the action shots of the boy jumping in the pool.
Ann, I always enjoy your comments and the photos - the shade (canvas?)with the glimpse of building above is a really good shot. have a great week.
I really like the smily face parachute!
Great photos Ann. I never experience to be in the air balloon. And I see lot's of cool designs in your photos whether look up or look down. Thanks for sharing!
The sail cloth shade is a great perspective!
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