Thursday, May 6, 2010

Friday shootout: Mothers' day special

After a long hike in a hot humid Borneo jungle, an ice cold can of sprite is heavenly to touch, says Sam.

Whose hand can be tougher than mine? asks the seller of Durian, the king of fruits which is hard and prickly like a hedgehog.

This satin sheet is so smooth to touch and it is better when it's sun dried and wind blown.

Sam love tomatoes. Here he just harvested little tomatoes from our one and only plant.

My brothers loved flying kites. I guess they would give anything now to touch the strings and fly kites like they did once upon a time.

The cousins live in Singapore and Australia, once every few years, they visit. Here they are playing a touching game.

This is not what I like to touch, Thomas tells me that it is OK to touch the mouse.

Here's Olivia and Thomas. My daughter G and Sam had done it before, so did I. We inheritted the Amazonian women's genes from our Hakka mum and Grandma.

At the Polar bear enclosure, the kids were touching the cool glass.
May 7 - Mother's day special - Things I like to touch - by Butler and Bagman

Mark of Butler and Bagman suggested this weeks topic ‘things I like to touch’

I can’t do justice to the topic that he would have, knowing exactly what he had on his mind when he sent the topic suggestion our way but here goes my take on it.

“While your other four senses (sight, hearing, smell, and taste) are located in specific parts of the body, your sense of touch is found all over…. The most sensitive areas of your body are your hands, lips, face, neck, tongue, fingertips and feet”

I read somewhere that the sense of touch is the only sense that helps us define the world around us. Not only do we have a physical sense of touch, we also have emotional, memory, and communication connections that keep us in touch with our world.

This morning I went to Tutti-frutti supermarket and realized I use sight and smell to know if the fruits are fresh but the most important, I used my finger tips to test if they were at their peak of ripeness.

This week with this topic I hope to see a return of many of our group and to see many different interpretations of ‘things I like to touch’ in our towns (in our world)


My family is very brave, and what they like is to touch not be what you like to touch. The photos are are nieces and nephews. Olivia, Lincoln and Thomas have a pet snake. Definitely not for the faint hearted to touch.


Ah Ngao said...

when i i go to the supermarket food sections,i like to dig my hand into the sack of beans,especially kidney beans.....feels good

Pete said...

Ahhh, snakes, I like their leather skin, clean and smooth

Sara Diana said...

Great photos, really made me smile. Not sure about the snake though urgh, not something I would like to touch lol

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

Don't like snakes heheh. Takut..

Anonymous said...

You did a great job of interpreting Things we like to Touch. For sure there will be some things one would like to touch such as a pet snake and some others no. Very creative I do not know anyone who has a pet snake. Blessings

clairedulalune said...

children are so brave touching the snake, I have so much fear and respect for them! Great shootout!

Melissa B. said...

Love these snaps, but snakes scare me!

Jama said...

I rather not touch the snake, unless it's a stuff- toy snake!

Ingrid said...

I would touch the mouse and the snake of course, lol ! Very nice pictures !

Dave said...

I am pleased to see your family happy to touch safe animals and critters Ann. It is good for them to know how to share the world with other creatures without hurting them - Dave

Bagman and Butler said...

Beautiful pictures -- I think the touching game looked like wrestling to me!

Pauline said...

I'm hung up on the touching a snake photo. Even dead, I can only bring myself to touch the tail and a live one - never! I once made a stuffed toy snake out of material, was OK when I was making it but after it was completed couldn't touch it, and my kids could torment me with it. All your photos are great but I can't get past my fear of snakes!

NanU said...

I like to touch snakes too, and contact with other people is essential to life! Whose hands indeed are tougher than the durian-sellers? Even with gardening gloves my soft office-hands couldn't open one.

Barry said...

Oh, that was a very charming post, Ann. Just excellent.

Since Mr. Linky is being mean and not letting me on today, here's the link to our post--

Suburban Girl said...

You lost me with the snake... :)

My Shoot Out

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh hon..what a wonderful shootout...I loved this...your love just shines through!
Happy Mother's day hon, Sarah

Cheryl said...

Snakes. Eek! Love all these photos of the kids touching things. I love touching kids. I mean that in a totally good way.

~JarieLyn~ said...

I adore the first photo. A cold can on the face in the hot summer heat is a wonderful feeling.

I don't like touching snakes. I am very fearful.

Like your first commentor, I too love digging my hands through dry beans. It feels so good.

Kerry said...

I'd touch the mouse, but maybe not the snake.:) Nice job!

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

Thank you for your comment on my portrait of my mother. I am so sorry to hear about your mother.

Although Alzheimer's is a terrible thing, I guess I consider myself lucky that I am able to spend as much time with my mother as I can. Some days are hard but my Mom is still my Mom, so far. At some point, I know I will have to let go of the woman I know and accept the loss but I have the luxury of having time with her.

My father died suddenly in 1988 and at a time when I was just realizing just how much I loved him. I wish I had had more time with him.

Family is precious and we often take for granted that we will have time to enjoy them.