Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sunday stills: Trees

Hi Linda,

Random trees are easy here, but following a tree for one year may be hard, perhaps we can follow it every season, and then have a great finale.

Sunday Stills-Trees
Posted in Uncategorized on February 19, 2012 by Linda

Sara from Punkin’s Patch suggested this weeks challenge……great minds think alike because I was out on a little photo trip and thought the same thing. Trees…….naked in this part of the world yet. I think a four seasons challenge with the same tree would be great too in the future.


Magia da Inês said...

Um belíssimo dia para você!
Bom fim de semana!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love these beautiful trees, we have nothing like them here.

wenn said...

great to hv trees around!

Jama said...

Thanks Ann for your help, I was using the new updated blogger interface, can't find that particular 'show word verification' .Switched to old dashboard and there it was!!

cindyrina said...

we need the tree to keep us living... I am a fan of your now!

gtyyup said...

Fun to see different trees from around the world!! Nothing like your trees grow where I'm from. Nicely done~

Shirley said...

I love the one with the red flowers in the last photo. Nice to see what we consider as exotic trees, although to you they are common.

Janice said...

Nice to see some green somewhere...anywhere. I'm with Shirley, I really like that last one. What kind of tree is it?

Anonymous said...

What beautiful, full palms! And the people in swimsuits - looks lovely warm! Nice pictures!

Anonymous said...

Nice posts, keep it up Ann

Horses Are Our Lives said...

beautiful trees!