Circles by Kerry.
Circles are the first shape that a child recognise. We teach them to sing, the wheels on the bus go round and round. We show them the sun is round, the moon is round, (well, sometimes.)
There is no need for commentaries for this challenge. Thanks Kerry.
Circles yes Ann, but also nice bright cheery coloured photos. Good work Ann - Dave
How did you keep from eating the food while perfectly arranging the plate? The airplane engine was very cool and the circle entrance in the casino (casino? nightclub?)..was enticing.
good morning Miss Ann, I like the light fixture, last week taught us to look up so we would see this circle. good job capturing the topic.
hugs - ginger
These are some great photos. You made good use of the prompt!
Good pics. Good interpretation. I am learning a lot!
Thanks. I like circles...think rounded people. think all rounders too....and circles of friends..I liked to play "drop handkerchief" when young. Got a chance to chase...and be chased.
Great post Ann. You are right some things need no commentary. I loved the pail in the water. I am also learning so much from this group.
I bet that it's true about a circle being one of the first objects we recognize. Maybe because it is related to the human face? I enjoyed your take on this theme, and especially like the balloon in the light fixture; there's a story there, isn't there?
The ear candle company, now that's a memorable title. Some very interesting circles you see. Love the look of that fruit, I can't wait till summer, when the fruit ripens in my mum's garden!
I really enjoyed your picture of the water-wheel, they always remind me of the riverbanks and picniks we used to read about as kids. Lots of great colors and variety, fantastic interpretation of the theme :)
Nice circles :)
any big plans for CNY? Reunion makan or something? Hugs for the weekend.
I love that ceiling light image!! very nice.
Lovely circles, Ann. I particularly like the water wheel and the lights.
The casino lookalike entrance, is not a casino. It is the entrance to what they call themselves Infinity.
According to Sam, Inifinity is:
Located at the Gold Coast in Surface paradise. It is family friendly and I paid Sam to go in. It is mirrors, darkness of a dark hole, lasers. It is a huge mace pretending to be a journey into space.
INFINITY is a mind-blowing journey into spectacular, futuristic maze like worlds of wonder - an extraordinary series of around 20 multi-sensual environments
filled with unique special effects, atmospheric sound fields, ultra groovy music and illusions that appear to go all the way to infinity!
The first of its kind in the world, INFINITY is an exciting, hilarious, interactive experience with unforgettable impact.
It's fun for all ages, great family entertainment and a unique group or team building activity.
The incredible INFINITY journey takes around 40 minutes and is suitable for all ages over 8 and all nationalities.
Oh I agree infinity is the key, to our success with the FSO members, and every topic is great no doubt!
I always find yours fascinating and a good read!
I saw your comment in Sarawakiana@2 blog. I am a former UiTM sarawak student too.
Those balloons up on the ceiling of shopping malls. I remember very clearly how often, a child is given a neon balloon, the next thing is, he lets go, and the balloon flies away.
Nothing can pacify the kid, no, not even a substitute one. " I WANT THAT ONE UP THERE."
Looks like some commentraies are in order.
Did you ever use the ear candle? My niece was introduced to them by her friend, and suggested she used it on my brother. I was recruited to be her assistant and was LOL all the time, as quack doctors.
In between, I googled searched and found it was banned in Canada. OMG!!!! I said, two lawyers, and they were conned.
Great photos, Ann! You asked about the name Wellington. Well your capital Wellington was named after Arthur Wellesley, the first Duke of Wellington and victor of the Battle of Waterloo. So was the governor of Cairns in Australia. How a name can travel all over the world. Amazing, isn't it?
Thanks for your visit.
That is a very well rounded post, Ann. The food looked good enough to eat but a shame to disturb its perfect symmetry.
Circles are truly everywhere!
Great pictures. It's interesting how we all pick up on different things.
Ya know I had not thought about that..the whole circle is a child's first shape...given my profession you would think I would have LOL!
I loved yours each one was fun and interesting to look at..the first one cracked me up. I think my favorite was the light with the balloon stuck in it.
I loved the water wheel and all the bright colors in your photos
Love your circles. That ceiling light is very pretty. I really like the plate of food and the water wheel. Great shots, Ann.
Hi again Ann,
Jessica is home,yes, and s-l-o-w-l-y readjusting to life here. She has applied to a couple of graduate schools. Ed&Reub love having her around the place.
Gosh I am loving these cirle posts. Your photos are just lovely!
Love the plate of food, very colorful. The Wheels On The Bus was my favorite song as a little kid.
Target, One of my favorite stores!
Love the light (3rd photo), circles in a circle - very cool selection of shots.
So much variety with you choices of circles!
lovely shots - all of them. I can't decide a favorite!
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