Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mail Order Bride , Author's note

Author’s note

This is a fiction, a figment of imagination of my fertile mind. Any resemblance of persons or events is purely coincidental. I wrote this book in 2007.

However, I have cameo appearances of real people who are mentioned as themselves. Bic Runga, Debbie Maples, Helen Clarke, Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key, Kathleen Wilson, Rachel Hunter, Ron Sickling, Anne Wilson, Leonard Kong and Johnny Ling, Gloria Okello, Neville Muir and Organizations like Auckland City Mission, Baptist Tabernacle, Mangere Baptist Church, Mt Albert Baptist Church, Salvation Army, Mataatua Marae, Whenua Rangatira at Bastion Point, Oyugis Christian School for the Deaf in Kenya, DMI or Deaf Ministry International, and various locations in Auckland. The New Zealand Herald is an actual newspaper published in Auckland, Radio Rhema and Radio 1ZB are Radio Stations. This is to enhance the authenticity of the story.

Two scenarios are true, in 1980 my Ford Escort was stolen, and in 2006, my lap top computer was stolen. I have tried to blend in these two cases in the chapter about street kids.

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