Friday, November 21, 2008

Giant shoes, Fee Fi Fo Fum

In an earlier post, I wrote about the Hakka people of China who used to march with their wives and children to war. The women ,unlike other women didn't have their feet bound to form the excruciating painful "Golden Lotus." I joked about my Hakka daughters' size ten feet.

Likewise, the men too inherited this gene. My husband has shoes that friends joke that they are like boats.

If you look carefully on the box, it shows that it is size thirteen. I have my old pair of shoes compared relatively to his. Actually this is not a good comparision. You see, I am quarter Hakka. I also have quite big feet. They are sized 8. From the age of fourteen, I could no longer borrow my sisters Rose and Elizabeht's or my mum's shoes.

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